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Prayer. Do we need it?

Bonswa zanmi mwe! (Good evening my friend!)

One of the most memorable events that we participate in during our trips to the Dominican Republic is the prayer service a the Cienfuegos church. When a two hour service is held at Cienfuegos, a good hour of that is spent in prayer. And not just listening to prayer, but everyone praying, at once, out loud. Everything, and I mean EVERY THING is covered in prayer. They even fast and pray regularly.

It often seems like a struggle to get a congregation to pray. Why is that? Why is praying together as a church family difficult? I once heard that prayer is a type of intimacy. Because when you pray God in-to-me-sees. Sometimes when we see good things happening we say "God really answered that prayer". Did He not answer your prayer other times, maybe when things did not go the way you wanted?

I need prayer. We need prayer. God needs our prayers. We are told to pray. I cannot count the times Jean Paulite has said, "We need to pray more".

Please hold up Haitian Ministries in your prayers. Sometimes the list seems long and the needs overwhelming. Sometimes the answer is not what we wanted or expected. But thankfully we have this:

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

Romans 8:26-27

Merci anpil. Mwe priez pour ou! Thank you, I will pray for you!

(I have attached a recent photo of a young man that asked for prayer from our mission team while visiting Juan Gomez. We don't know his situation, but God does.)

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