The work has begun!
God has been preparing a dream in the heart of Haitian Ministries for 20 years. It started when Jean Paulite listened to the calling to move from Haiti to the Dominican Republic. Plans were made, funds were raised, and in God's perfect timing, the dream is becoming reality.
Phase one of the new ministry center in Cienfuegos has begun. In just the last few weeks a security wall was built, a cistern was built, and this week the foundation is being prepared.
Some of the local city officials contacted Jean and asked to hold a special Christmas celebration on the land. They gave money for the congregation at Cienfuegos to prepare food and local officials and neighbors were invited to celebrate. The community recognizes that this project is a very positive addition to the community. A place of learning, worship, prayer, and unity. For Haitians and Dominicans.
We have some photos to share of the work so far, and a video that was just taken this week as the workers began bending and forming rebar for the columns and the foundation.